Category: Painting
Andy Bruce
I miss this view. Might be worth the cramped seats.
Andy Bruce
I painted this based off of a picture I took when I went backpacking with some friends.
Andy Bruce
It was going to be of Lake Anne, but I messed up the background, so I just rolled with it.
Regan Grekoff
‘Mind of Eden’ is a way for one to feel connected in their body with the cycle of plants. Like humans, we photosynthesize, life grows in many phases. These phases may not blend perfectly but that’s okay because no one’s growth is linear. It is a gentle reminder to plant kindness and love in your mind so you are able to spread it to others. There are many things we don’t have control over, but what we do have control over is our mindset. Take the time to tend to your mind, for it truly is your garden of Eden.
Alexa Boerger
This acrylic painting was inspired by a picture I took while visiting the Garden of Gods. One of my favorite ways to decompress during the stressful school year is by spending time in nature. By setting aside time to go outdoors I am able to take better care of my mental health and prevent burnout. I think that it is crucial for students to know different ways to unwind, and this painting is representative of taking time for oneself.
Mackenzie Reece
This is a piece I made back in 2019 for an AP portfolio. Originally the piece was meant to show how an abusive partner can control your heart and feelings as if you were a puppet. Now I think it can apply to ultimately anyone even yourself. In our society mental health has a very big stigma. Therefore we often don’t show our true emotions. It’s as if society is the hand in the picture controlling how we should feel about ourselves and the things/people around us.
Rose Sanders
“Bleeding Past”
This 2 piece painting captures a portion of time in our lives. This could be days, months or years. The white lines represent good times, great memories, positivity and the black lines represent bad, negativity, trauma or pain. The bigger/wider the lines, the more significant that part in time is represented. The red represents blood from our “wounds”. If you don’t heal from anything from your past it will bleed into your future.
Noah Ruybal
I am a work in progress. When you struggle with mental health it is important to remember that you are a work in progress.
Echolalia R.
Made from a sharpie sketch and finished with acrylic paint. Overall time: 2 hours. My first piece made with paint in over two years. Title of the work is “Surface”, depicting that what you see on the outside of a person isn’t always what’s inside. A simple depiction of my experience with Asperger’s.
Bradley Vander Veen
“Covid-19 Death” Acrylic painting on canvas. 2020.
With the deaths rising from Covid-19 it was hard for Americans to stay mentally healthy. This painting depicts that mental darkness in a gothic style of depression and anxiety of fearing death from the virus.