Mental Health Awareness Gallery

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Mackenzie Reece

by Mackenzie Reece

This piece for me shows that someone can look happy on the outside and to the public but when they’re alone they are anything but okay. This self portrait shows me smiling however there are still tears/mascara running down my face and in the background is the dark cloud in my head. To the outside world I may seem fine, even happy, but on the inside I’m neither. I want to title this “Good News” as the song by Mac Miller inspired me. Specifically the lyrics “good news, good news, good news, that’s all they wanna hear no they don’t like it when I’m down”. I find that most people don’t want to talk about or listen to the dark side of mental health. They only want to show or see the good happy times, hence why these lyrics inspired my piece. Ironically enough as this piece is depicting mental health, my own mental health kept me from working on this for awhile and it was rushed. I can do much better work but I think I like the fact that it shows how mental health can affect everything in life, even things you enjoy.