Tabitha Sleeger
I realized I had a problem When everyone became competition When counting calories and sucking in Was religious repetition When an empty head and spinning room became the norm And with every compliment larger became my form I knew I had a problem When I skipped several meals and felt worthy Or when I watched the world turn black without worry I knew I had a problem when Ice cubes and celery sticks felt more real On my teeth than pain Or when I remembered that shivering burns calories So, I didn’t mind the rain I think I realized I had a problem When I started to envy shapeless men and boney children I’ve envied skinny kids as young a seven And I cry Thank God we don’t have bodies in Heaven
This is a poem about body insecurities. Sometimes they become so prevalent it becomes very hard to continue on from day to day. I hope this poem helps somebody by voicing real problems and putting words to internal struggles.